Davis in a Day

Short Documentary Film
Davis, CA, USA
Personal project in collaboration with AggieTV (now known as Aggie Studios)
30 minute documentary, 2012

Available on YouTube

Davis in a Day is a user-generated documentary that recorded what life was like in Davis, CA on May 10, 2012. Inspired by Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald's feature-length film Life in a Day, this short film not only portrays the quintessential Davis experience, but also tells the story of the city and those who live here.

As the director, I pitched the idea to the on-campus student video production team AggieTV and oversaw its execution. Over six months, I managed a group of 30 students from brainstorming and preparation to filming, editing, and hosting a premiere for the final movie. We collected over 100 submissions and over 50 hours of user-generated film.

Selected Press
AggieTV’s Davis in a Day project to take place Thursday” in The California Aggie on May 8, 2012
Davis in a Day Premiers Tonight“ in The California Aggie on October 10, 2012

Short Documentary Film